10 findings on the attainment gap

Here are our 10 findings on the attainment gap and on pupils who are most affected due to the impact of Covid, according to latest research.

Latest research

Latest research compared current academic attainment with 2019 levels. The Nuffield Foundation-funded study published by Hodder Education and School Dash analysed data from the North, the Midlands, and the South. The data consisted of 700,000 primary school tests taken at more than 1,500 schools during spring 2022. The results were compared to the results of previous school years.

10 Findings on the Attainment Gap in Primary Schools

We have summarised 10 findings on the attainment gap but to read the research in full, click here. The study on the disruption caused by the Covid-19 pandemic identified:

  1. Year 2 pupils’ progress in grammar, punctuation and spelling is behind by three months
  2. all primary year groups are on average are two months behind
  3. on average, children in schools in the North remain further behind their peers
  4. the attainment gap is now largest across the Northeast and East
  5. Year 5s in the South were the only group estimated to be at the pre-pandemic attainment level
  6. primary schools’ catch-up programmes should focus on Year 3
  7. Years 1 and 2 are still two months behind in reading
  8. all year groups on average improved in maths in spring 2022, compared with spring 2021, but remain behind, especially Years 6
  9. pupils in the Midlands showed the smallest attainment gains compared with other regions
  10. pupils in the North did not see as much progress on catch up attainment efforts compared to the rest of England.

If you are interested in helping to reduce the attainment gap, we are always looking for tutors. We have partnered with the Fischer Family Trust by providing tutors to help them deliver an evidence based literacy programme. All material and training given, with good rates of pay, click here to find out more.