A Supply teacher guide to managing burnout

Did you know that recent research indicates that the number of teachers leaving the profession have returned to pre-pandemic levels? Here we look at tips for managing burnout and a healthy work/life balance.

10 Teachers Tips on Managing Burnout

  1. Don’t be self-critical if you are feeling burnt out. We’ve experienced unprecedented times, so your reactions are normal, it’s the situation that has been abnormal.
  2. Stay connected and use peer support to help you through difficulties. Other teachers understand the challenges more than anyone else.
  3. Access online support groups for information and support as there are ones specific for supply staff in education.
  4. Be as organised as you can as it will help you feel in control, use online quizzes to reduce marking.
  5. Eat well; remember there are mood-boosting foods that can help with anxiety, depression, and sleep.
  6. Celebrate your good days and moments where you feel you are making a difference
  7. Manage your time at home so it includes time for you to do something you enjoy (it’s easy for time to be swallowed up by other demands from family, caring responsibilities, house chores etc. – you’ll function better if you have ‘you’ time).
  8. Don’t leave getting a good night’s sleep to chance: go to bed early enough, don’t eat too late, make sure your bedroom is comfortable, avoid screen time for at least an hour or two beforehand and be mindful of alcohol intake (remember alcohol is chemically a stimulant and can therefore cause you to wake earlier than normal).
  9. Try to prevent problems before they develop; trying to ignore an issue, simply does not work as subconsciously it can make you anxious, causing you to wake up in the middle of the night. Address and deal with issues before they even become problems.
  10. Know when to ask for help, if you’ve been struggling for a while, talk to a professional, your GP is your first port of call who can advise and direct you if you need further help.