Male Teachers

Here we look at the numbers of male teachers and supply teachers. We also look at why we should encourage men to start a career in teaching, both permanent teaching and supply vacancies.

Over the past decade, thousands of male primary and secondary school teachers have left the classroom. This  fuels fears that a lack of role models in schools, is contributing to the under-performance of boys. One recent study reported an all time low of secondary teachers who were men. Only 35 % of teachers in secondary are men with even lower numbers of teachers from ethnic minority backgrounds or BAME.

Even worse off according to The Times are pupils in the Key Stage 1 and 2. Numbers in primary schools had dropped to only one in seven teachers being male.

If you have not already read it, we recommend a look at an account from the Guardian. It follows Philip’s launch into the primary school teaching world at the age of 40. It looks at why it’s ‘the best thing he has ever done’. You can read it by clicking Here

This uplifting piece highlights the fulfilling experiences one can gain as a teacher, and why we should encourage more men to join the profession.

If you are thinking of becoming a supply teacher, why not give us a call or register with us here.