Self-harm in pupils

10 Tips for Teachers to Spot Signs of Self-harm in Pupils

Did you know that there is new draft guidelines on self-harm in pupil produced by NICE? Importantly, the guidance suggests staff in schools need to know how to identify pupils who have self-harmed. This is the first-time teachers have been included in this guidance. Therefore, you may want to learn more about self harm in pupils. However,  it is currently in draft form with public consultation running until 1 March 2022. *

What is Self- harm and Why do People do it?

Self-harm is when a person intentionally injures their body. For example, cutting, scratching, burning, and bruising themselves. Importantly, you should understand that Individuals use self-harm as coping mechanism.  It may be difficult for you to imagine that a person may self-harm to deal with emotional distress as it can serve as an escape. In addition, it can be used a distraction or to help them feel in control. You may not be aware that it releases the body’s natural painkillers in response to the ‘harm,’ so a soothing relief feeling is experienced. It can be addictive, and secretive, leading to social withdrawal and compound healthier coping mechanisms.

We already know that a growing number of teenagers self-harm. However, you may not be aware that care providers are now seeing children from the primary school sector. Sadly, the pandemic has led to massive challenges for children and teenagers. You probably know that this has led to a much larger number of pupils experiencing mental health problems, including self-harm. One could argue that in addition the increased use of social media by younger people has negatively impacted their mental health in a way not experienced by previous generations.

As such there is a growing belief that everyone should help with the increasing problem of self-harm. Therefore, you need to be aware that it’s not just mental health professionals who are expected to support pupils but teachers too.

10 signs to look out for to spot a pupil may be self-harming.

  1. Covering their arms up in hot weather when you’d expect them to be in short sleeves
  2. Use of multiple plasters/coverings in one area to hide injuries
  3. Signs of a lot of scratching in one area (may use things like a needle, a paperclip or protractor)
  4. Unexplained bruising (especially the forehead due to head-butting)
  5. Cuts and bruising to knuckles through punching hard objects like walls
  6. Cuts or scratches to arms, thighs, torso (as these are more easily hidden)
  7. Oddly placed burn marks and more than one of them (may use a cigarette)
  8. An obvious change in their behaviour (consider in addition, signs of anxiety/ depression)
  9. Being interested in self-harm through questions and conversation, reading and videos
  10. Being withdrawn, isolating themselves when usually they would sit with others and not engaging in the lesson when normally they would.

Did you know both girls and boys can self-harm? 2021 saw an increased number of children from primary schools self-harming, so it’s not just secondary pupils or sixth formers. As a supply teacher, If you spot the signs, be compassionate. Above all, you must validate their feelings and gently explore and encourage talking to someone to help them. A range of mental health charities and NHS services can help but GPs can be an important first point of call who can help or direct them to the most appropriate service.

If you want to find out where to go for help, click here 

*Find out more about the NICE guidelines about self harm